The archipelago of the Canary Islands, an autonomous region of Spain, enjoys a special tax regime particularly attractive for foreign investors.


The Canary Islands (Islas Canarias) offer good investment opportunities provided by an economic and fiscal ad hoc called in Spanish by the acronym REF ("Regimen Economic Fiscal" economic regime tax).


From the fiscal point of view, the Canary Islands have a very competitive framework. Particularly, the ZEC allows a reduced rate of 4% in the income tax to develop activities of production, postproduction, distribution, dubbing, photography, advertising, streaming, animation and game development, among others in the islands. All the tax advantages of the ZEC have been approved by the European Commission (EU) what ensures fill legal certainty for investments. Also, this tool is compatible with the deduction for investment in audio-visual works, with rates of deduction higher than the rest of the country in at least 20 points, with rates of 38-40% for investments in domestic production, the 35% for international ones and the 45% for investments in R+D+I.


The combination of opportunities in the fiscal scope with the conditions of the Canary Islands as a natural set, become the islands in the benchmark in Europe for investments in the audio-visual sector. 

In recent times, the Canary Islands have become the scene of numerous international and national shooting, attracted by the landscape diversity, daylight hours and, above all, by a favourable tax framework, which can be enjoyed in the islands. 

The objective is to boost the film and audio-visual industry, a sector with huge potential which contribute to job creation and regional economic diversification.


Thanks to their strategic position as a crossroads between three continents (South America, Europe and Africa) Canary Islands have always enjoyed a more advantageous tax regime compared to other European countries, allowing you to reinvest what has been saved thanks to a taxation tax very limited thus representing today an ideal place for those investors who want to create a new business abroad, but not too far away and bound by European laws .


The above-mentioned tax regime is characterized, for example, by a reduction in corporation tax for investments made in the islands; incentives on the production of manufactured goods in the archipelago and even the ability for owners to enroll in a Special Register of Shipping, which provides exemptions for capital transfers and interest on tax relief on the Company. Also in the Canaries there's no VAT.


The REF joins another taxation system called "ZEC" ("Zona Especial Canaria") approved by the European Commission in January 2000 and valid until 31 December 2026.


To enjoy these benefits, you must register in the Official Register of the Chambers of Commerce of the Canary Islands ZEC (ROEZEC)


But, in practice, what advantages can the Canary Islands offer to you?


The opportunity to pay a lower tax on company income:


- Set as of 4% fixed for ZEC companies;


- A reduction of up to 90% of net profits not distributed on the taxable income (RIC);


- Deductions for investments in strategic sectors more profitable than the rest of Spain;


- Tax benefits of 50% on income obtained from the sale of goods produced in the Canary Islands;


- Record of Vessels;


Exemptions in indirect taxation (TAXES):


- For the establishment of the company;


- For the expansion of capital;


- For the acquisition of capital goods.


We are here to help you save money on taxes.




L'arcipelago delle isole Canarie, regione autonoma della Spagna, gode di un regime fiscale speciale particolarmente attrattivo per gli investitori esteri.


Le Isole Canarie (Islas Canarias) offrono buone possibilità di investimento previste da un regime economico e fiscale ad hoc chiamato in spagnolo con l’acronimo


di REF (“Regimen Economico Fiscal” regime economico fiscale).


Grazie alla loro posizione strategica di crocevia tra i 3 continenti ( America del Sud, Europa ed Africa) le Isole Canarie hanno da sempre goduto di un regime fiscale più vantaggioso rispetto agli altri paesi europei, permettendo di reinvestire ciò che si è risparmiato grazie ad una tassazione fiscale molto limitata rappresentando quindi oggi il luogo ideale per tutti quegli investitori che desiderano creare una nuova impresa all’estero ma non eccessivamente lontana e vincolata alle leggi europee.


Il summenzionato regime fiscale è caratterizzato, ad esempio, da una riduzione dell’Imposta sulle Società per investimenti effettuati nell’arcipelago; incentivi sulla produzione di beni fabbricati nell’arcipelago ed ancora la possibilità per gli armatori di iscriversi in un Registro Navale Speciale, che prevede esenzioni dell’imposta sui trasferimenti ed interessanti sgravi sull’imposta sulle Società.


Inoltre, nelle isole Canarie non si applica IVA.


Al REF si affianca un altro sistema fiscale chiamato “ZEC” ("Zona Especial Canaria”) autorizzata dalla Commissione Europea nel mese di gennaio del 2000 e valido sino al 31 dicembre del 2026.


Per poter godere di tali agevolazioni occorre iscriversi nel Registro Ufficiale delle Camere di Commercio delle Canarie ZEC (ROEZEC).


Ma, in concreto, quali vantaggi fiscali offrono le Canarie?


L’opportunità di pagare una minor Imposta sulle società:


- imposta del 4% fisso per le imprese ZEC;



-una riduzione fino al 90% dei benefici netti non distribuiti sulla base imponibile (RIC);


- deduzioni per investimenti in settori strategici piú vantaggiosi rispetto al resto di Spagna;


- benefici fiscali del 50% sulle rendite ottenute dalla vendita di beni prodotti nelle Canarie;


- registro delle navi


Esenzioni nell’imposizione indiretta (IGIC):


- per la costituzione dell’impresa;


- per l’ampliamento del capitale;


- per l’acquisizione di beni di investimento.


Siamo qui per farvi risparmiare sulle tasse.